Monday, September 14, 2009



last night, in my last effort to get mr. keller to tuck me into bed, he told me he needed to run out and put bella in her kennel before we could shut the lights out for the evening.

bella has dug five different holes IN OUR GRASS in the last week, one big enough she can lay her entire dog self in. we believe this irratical behavior means we will here shortly have to find her a good looking stud of a boyfriend. Translation: she's going into heat.

the clock was pushing twelve a.m., and i complained and told jared she would be fine for the night. i wanted to go to bed. my eyes were so sleepy.

he insisted and told me he didn't want some strange dog jumping the fence for some midnight love. he said he didn't want mutts for puppies.

then he said he didn't want muppies.

mutts + puppies = muppies.

of course! muppies. ingeneous. hilarious. in our late night hysteria, we fell simply fell apart.

delirium + stupid humor = the hysterics.
and boy, did we feel it.

as we collapsed into bed, i fell asleep feeling thankful i had someone to laugh with, someone who shares the same sort of ridiculous sense of humor - especially at twelve in the a.m.

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