Wednesday, August 13, 2014

This entire summer has been a blur. We've played so much and made some perfect memories together, but I'm anxious to get into a routine. Yesterday, we visited the school for a kindergarten screening. Morgan will be starting in two weeks. My heart is in my throat. I'm trying hard to pretend these last few days will never end. We have lots on our list to do before we shift into this new stage of life. I hope September comes and settles us all in.

We bought a cheap little bike trailer from walmart last month and finally got around to putting it together. We've been on several bike rides, now that Morg is pretty much a two-wheel riding professional. Danny rides in the trailer behind my bike. I haven't ridden a bike since before I had children, I think. I still have my old trusty from my college days that I bought at DI in 2005 for $10. I was thinking back, I think Mr. Keller was actually the one who helped me pick it out and load it up way back then, even though we weren't even dating then. 

The highlight of the week is when we get to mow the lawn with daddy. Danny gets so excited and looks forward to that evening all week. Morg has been extra attentive in cleaning up and doing chores all on his own. He cleaned up the whole basement, folded five fort blankets, and straightened the curtains in the family room yesterday. I hadn't asked him at all to do anything. He is so sweet and so affectionate and loving. He is such a joy for me. 

Yesterday, we bought fish from Walmart. I already regret this, since I don't like the thought of adding anything extra to my plate (cleaning the bowl, feeding, etc.). I'm so lame. The boys were so excited they each got to pick one. Morgan picked a sweet little guy with a speckled tail. He told me that that one was lonely so he needed to bring him home with him. In the cart, he kept singing lullabies to the fish and told them he would take care of them.

Danny is wild and funny as ever. As it turned out, he didn't end up needing a permanent cast. We just have a brace and wrap we have to keep on for another three weeks. I'm thankful because I get to change his wraps out every night and keep them nice and clean. Uncle Dude has been staying with us a lot as he does Army stuff at the base here. Danny loves Uncle Dude and thinks his first name is 'Uncle'. He says, 'Uncle's here! Uncle's here!'. I don't know why, but it just cracks me up.

It rained a ton again last week. One afternoon, we were THIS CLOSE to being this close to having water in our basement yet again. The window well was filled up less than 1/2 inch below the window. CLOSE! I ran outside and lined both our swimming pools up where the water was pouring down. It's our gutters that need to be replaced, we realized. And really, what the heck is with all this rain? I talked to our neighbor who has lived in his house for forty years and he said it's only rained like this twice that he knows of -- Last August and this August. Crazy!

Here are a few snaps of the last few weeks. 

Waiting for me to return things at Lowes.  

Our new bike trailer

One morning, we rode to the park and there lady bugs all over the grass. It was the neatest thing! We stayed for a long time just watching them fly and land. 

 One of my Saturday morning self dates in Old Town. These are my yard sale mornings and always stop at Great Harvest for breakfast. Old town is so gorgeous in summer.

Baby snake on irrigation day.

My sweetheart boy

We've bought a few bug catching toys lately and we've caught our fair share of critters outside. 

Danny wore this hat everyday for at least a week. He was obsessed with it. 

We were working in the yard one Saturday and I turned around to find this:

Waiting for Danny's check-up on his arm. 

Every morning, Morgan wakes up before everyone. He turns goes out and watches cartoons until the rest of us wake up. Danny comes in, climbs over me, lays in the middle, snuggles me for about two seconds and then asks Mr. Keller if they can watch motorcycle videos on youtube. Every single morning. 

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