Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring is here! Finally here! Our grass is green and we're getting anxious to be outside and get our hands in the dirt. We have plans for a big garden. My summer goal is to really apply myself to it. I've always convinced myself I'm horrible with keeping things alive. It's because I've never really cared. I'm going to care this summer. The boys and I have our eyes set on Costco's playhouse they have displayed. Maybe for Danny's birthday? But we also want a trampoline. And a dog. Should we make a bet on if we can get Mr. Keller to get us all three? We shall see.

So, I'm kind of in a rut with blogging and with taking real pictures. The longest rut I've ever been in. I don't know exactly why, but I'm determined not to quit. 

What else has been going on? 

A few weekends ago, we had a family date on Saturday. We drove in the truck, per the boys' request, then took them to McKees and to Lowe’s. For Danny. It’s his absolute favorite and he asks to go there every day. McKees was disgusting. How do they not get shut down, I wonder? Pet stores in general smell horrid, but boy. This was a new level and it was so dirty everywhere. I was informed I was being a snob, but I had to get the heck out of there ASAP. Why am I such a germ-freak?

After that, we went for a little drive and got the boys arctic circle ice cream cones on the way home. No naps that day, so the boys went to bed at 630 and Mr. Keller and I ordered Thai food and watched a movie. It was such a relaxing day. I loved that day.  

This last Friday night we finally escaped on a date. We went to dinner at Chilis and tried hitting a movie, but we missed the 7 o’clock one and we're generally in a comatose state by 1030 pm, so the next showing was out. So, instead, we just drove around town trying to think of something to do to pass the time until the kids would be asleep, so we wouldn’t have to handle bedtime. How bad is that? We ended up at Cold Stone and then came home and went to bed at ten. Old, so old.

Mr. Keller took Morgan to Logan on Saturday and I had a nice, quiet weekend of cleaning, catching up on laundry, listening to General Conference and loving on my Danny boy. We took a bubble bath and made cookies (which was pretty much the highlight of his lifetime for a few hours). Kenz came and stayed with us, too. I swear she’s Danny’s real momma. Blonde hair and blue eyes, those two. Complete matchers. We had a lovely slow morning Sunday. We didn’t get dressed at all that day. It was perfect.  

We have kindergarten registration on Thursday and I think I may die. I’m not ready. I’ve been praying to be ready, but I’m just not. I don’t know how we’ll ever get along without our Morgan here with us during the day. I’m so nervous. And so proud. And in utter denial that the time has come. Such new territory for me. For five years, Morg has been right by my side. I think I will be lost. I love this boy so.

Here we are playing 'doctor' during Danny's naptime, which has now been deemed as our daily "special time" together. Just Morg and I. At first my bones were broken, so we tied mismatched socks on my feet from the laundry basket. Then he took my temperature and told me this: 

"It says you are purple and have a little ache so I will stay with you for a few days to make sure you don't die."

Sweet little doctor child.

This one is always into mischief. He's pretty much officially potty trained, but we're still in pull-ups until I know for sure. I don't wash deuce out of undies. No time for that. So, we need to be sure because I already wasted at lest $20 in panties. Judge me. 

Here these boys are playing star wars with the school bus. And Danny was in an old onsie and a pair of old pajama pants since his mother hadn't done wash for a week. 

Our family day a few weekends ago.

Danny had an accident before nap time, so we had bathtime a little early that day. He went to sleep with wet hair and woke up looking absolutely amazing. I couldn't have fixed his hair this way if I had tried my hardest.  

One afternoon.

Church time. Snow in April, of course.

I left Danny for twenty seconds tops and returned to find this mess. Look how proud he looks. 

Here he is pretending to be a turtle with the toilet seat lid.

"Look, mom. I a tootle!" he said to me. I had to take a picture.

(And yes, I cut his bangs so crooked. Mom, you need to come visit.)

Here we are with a haul of Winnie books. My boys had never really seen Winnie the Pooh until a few months ago. They love it now and I'm so glad. It brings back so many good childhood memories. Such a sweet series. 

Good times at Joann's last week. Cute things in the making.

 Visitors! The boys hardly knew what to do with babies in the house, let alone a little girl. Danny kept pointing to Emmett and saying, "I like this one!". 

And lastly, what I spent all last week doing. Prepping for taxes and entering Vintage Farm receipts. Usually I try to do this once a month, but I didn't do it at all last year. Not once. Really, really bad idea. I never did find January through March, even after Morg suggested I say a prayer. Perhaps I should teach him about responsibility next. 

Thanks papa for doing our taxes yet another year. We so appreciate it. 

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