Sunday, August 17, 2014

The rain finally disappeared towards the end of the week, though our grass is so wet, I doubt we'll water for three weeks. We put on Danny's 'waterproof' cast and swam on Thursday. The boys did tricks, slid around and splashed and I watched. Danny learned to go down the slide upside down on his back. He couldn't wait until daddy came home to show him. 

Yesterday, the boys worked outside with daddy for a bit, and then they went on a bike ride. Morgan and I went on our first annual mama/son school shopping date. He chose everywhere we went: Texas Roadhouse for lunch where he got cheeseburgers and lemonade, to ice cream and to pick out new clothes and a special new toy (star wars red bird game with all the figures). He leaned into me a lot and we held each other. He seems anxious to start school, and anxious for change. He's so excited. I'm pausing time. We found out who his teacher will be and what his schedule will be. I'm glad the school is down the street and that we're only two days a week, and sometimes three days. Those school days will be long, but we will be brave. 

He asked me the other day how he could become famous. I told him I didn't really know, but that he would have to do something very special so people would know him. He told me he wanted to be famous for being clever. He also bore his testimony to us while we all laid in bed tonight. In it, he said, "I like to barrrrry my testimony. I know the church is true. I like my family. I like my mommy, daddy, danny, I like toys, I like dinner, I like grandma, I like the scriptures, even though I lost them. I still like them. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

Yesterday, he couldn't find his Darth Maul angry bird, so he wanted to say a prayer to help him find it. We've said lots of prayers in the past to help him find things, and we've always found them. He said to me, "Mom, would you join me in my prayer?", as if he was a grown boy. We still can't find Darth Maul. Keep your fingers crossed we find him soon, or else someone may drive me crazy!

Last night, before Morgan fell asleep, he asked, just as he does every night, what we were doing tomorrow. We told him we were going to church. He asked what we were doing Monday. I told him grocery shopping. And then he said, "And the next day is Tuesday and that's the day I'll be going on my vacation." He's been invited for a special trip to Grandma Stacy's and he's oh, so excited. He knows what he's packing and can't wait to get there.  

I've been cherishing our new nightly routine, now that the boys share a room. We bathe the boys, dress them, brush teeth, read scriptures, sing a song, say prayers and they each pick out a story. I read to Danny. Mr. Keller reads to Morgy. We turn the lights out and listen to lullabies, then we switch boys, and I lay by Morgan, and Mr. Keller lays by Danny. It is sweet and quiet, after they've been tucked in. Evening has always been such a content time of day for me, as a mother. I feel richly blessed and reflective at night. I'm so thankful for this life I've been given. 

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